Is it time to take your brokerage to the next level?
Royal LePage® empowers franchise owners with the right tools to maximize brokerage profitability and attract and retain top talent.
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It’s better at Royal LePage
When you partner with Royal LePage, you are empowered with best-in-class tools, services and support you need to build a successful and profitable real estate brokerage. Our mission is to help you uncover untapped opportunities that will take your brokerage profitability to the next level. 

As a Royal LePage franchisee, you’ll be part of a brand that has set the standard in the Canadian real estate industry for more than 110 years. In that time, we’ve grown to be the nation’s largest real estate company, powered by innovative in-house technology and service offerings that outpace the competition.
The Best Live Here®
Want to learn more? Now's the best time to connect with our Business Development team to get more information on how Royal LePage will help you grow your business and maximize your brokerage's profitability.
Jim Morris
Director, Business Development
Western Canada, Royal LePage
Mark Frenette
Director, Business Development
Ontario and Atlantic Canada, Royal LePage
Dominic St-Pierre
Vice President, General Manager
Quebec, Royal LePage
Damon Conrad
National Director,
Royal LePage Commercial
To learn more about how Royal LePage® Commercial™ can benefit your business, please contact:
"Natalie and I both have real estate in our genes, and we wanted to extend our successful partnership with Royal LePage because of the brand’s commitment to industry leadership. In 2018 we purchased Royal LePage Coast Capital, a brokerage with over 100 agents, a strong corporate culture, and many local industry leaders. We are thrilled to be part of this thriving community, and have cultivated mentors, colleagues and friends from across the country. We firmly believe that the professionalism, technology, leadership and strong network at Royal LePage is what has and will continue to allow Coast Capital to grow and thrive in Victoria."
Sean Burns, Broker/Owner
Royal LePage® Coast Capital Realty
Victoria, BC
[1] Based on market share and/or agent count. [2] Comscore MMX® Multi-Platform, Total Audience, January 2023 - December 2023, Canada. [4] Google Analytics, Royal LePage® Smart Leads™ Systems (January 2023 - December 2023). [3] Print and online media impressions January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.
This is not intended as a solicitation of any sales representatives or brokers that are currently under contract. All offices are independently owned and operated, except those marked as indicated at Royal LePage is a registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada and is used under licence by Bridgemarq Real Estate Services Inc. and Bridgemarq Real Estate Services Manager Limited. Any copying, reproduction, distribution or other use of these materials is prohibited. ©2024 Bridgemarq® Real Estate Services Manager Limited. All rights reserved.

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