Learn how Royal LePage® can help you increase your profitability and market share to meet your most ambitious business goals.
Unparalleled growth opportunities for your brokerage 
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There’s a reason why we are a trusted real estate brand in Canada. Our franchisees count on us to put the same passion into their businesses as they do. We make your challenges, our challenges—and your goals, our goals.
Attract more top talent 
Royal LePage provides you with the tools and services you need to attract and retain top talent and grow your business. We help facilitate those efforts with:
Thousands of recruiting leads generated annually and equitably distributed to brokers via sophisticated lead routing software.

A customized brokerage website, unlimited landing and squeeze pages, and eye-catching marketing tools to help attract consumer and recruiting leads.

Comprehensive training and coaching to maximize recruiting skills and competitive intelligence, including peer-sharing webinars and expert-led leadership events.

A recruiting system of record that intakes and routes recruiting leads from any source, automates nurturing and follow up, and tracks recruiting prospects through to hire.

Customizable nurturing campaigns that effectively target experienced agents, teams and pre-license prospects, while tasking recruiter follow up activities.

POP and DISC assessments to identify the best candidates based on real estate career suitability and behavioural matching role requirements, respectively. 

Recruiting tools including customizable recruiting presentations and videos, drip campaigns, and guest access to rlpNetwork.com.

Detailed onboarding plans to help your new agent hires hit the ground running, and transition packages for more experienced hires.

Health benefits for agents through a preferred supplier, if applicable.

Boost your business with integrated Team Services
As a brokerage owner, you have a growing number of teams within your offices who require specialized support and resources. At Royal LePage, we have a dedicated group who develop team-specific services and foster a natural culture of collaboration, where our teams are eager to support one another and celebrate each other’s successes. For teams, Royal LePage:
Provides dedicated live and on-demand training resources to help teams optimize their organizational structure, compensation plans, recruiting and hiring results, financial acumen, performance results and growth opportunities. 

Hosts annual events where teams network and share insights, strategies, and tactics for continuous improvement.

Provides teams lead-generating websites and landing pages, client relationship management system, digital, print and social media marketing services and robust business analytics technologies.

Offers access to powerful partnerships with industry-leading coaches and vendors who serve the unique needs of teams and offer exclusive value.

Grow your business with Royal LePage® Commercial™
Adding commercial real estate services to your brokerage offering not only increases your profitability, but acts as a strategic tool to recruit top agents. By developing in-house Royal LePage Commercial teams or targeting external commercial practitioners, you can extend your reach beyond residential real estate to strengthen and grow your business. 

Royal LePage Commercial has over 650 entrepreneurial agents working to provide clients with solutions for a wide range of commercial real estate needs. Your Royal LePage Commercial agents will stay ahead with:
Powerful market insights, commercial reports, and expert advice by leading data and analytics companies. 

Professional marketing services including campaign support and personalized digital and print listing collateral.

An unparalleled referral network of over 20,000 agents across 600+ offices, coast to coast.

Leading edge technology that yields valuable insights and helps agents advise clients, evaluate transactions, and identify opportunities.

The opportunity to be recognized for the Royal LePage® Commercial™ National Top 50™ Award, based on commercial commissions.
Want to learn more? Now's the best time to connect with our Business Development team to get more information on how Royal LePage will help you grow your business and maximize your brokerage's profitability.
The Best Live Here®
Jim Morris
Director, Business Development
Western Canada, Royal LePage

Mark Frenette
Vice President, General Manager
Quebec, Royal LePage

Dominic St-Pierre
To learn more about how Royal LePage Commercial can benefit your business, please contact:
National Director,
Royal LePage Commercial

Damon Conrad
Director, Business Development
Ontario and Atlantic Canada, Royal LePage

"After 27 years with another franchise we took a look at the complete real estate landscape and Royal LePage immediately stood out. First, for its Canadianism, second its culture, and third its incredibly strong brand. This is a brand that continues to grow while most other brands stagnate or decline. As we moved forward in our due diligence we recognized a strong leadership team with the value propositions that we were looking for. We saw a sincere commitment to serving brokers, and a partnership philosophy that helps us grow as a brand and as an individual brokerage. Beyond business practices, Property Consultants has always had a strong commitment to the community, and Royal LePage shares these values and helps us give back through the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation. Last but not least, Royal LePage also has a commercial brand, which has been a large part of our company’s business. It’s been a year now and the Royal LePage brand and its leadership team have not disappointed. Most recently, with the rollout of rlpSPHERE and the ongoing support to brokers in navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, Royal LePage definitely has their stuff together!"
Tim Crosbie, Broker/Owner
Royal LePage® Property Consultants
St. John's, NL
This is not intended as a solicitation of any sales representatives or brokers that are currently under contract. All offices are independently owned and operated, except those marked as indicated at rlp.ca/disclaimer. Royal LePage is a registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada and is used under licence by Bridgemarq Real Estate Services Inc. and Bridgemarq Real Estate Services Manager Limited. Any copying, reproduction, distribution or other use of these materials is prohibited. ©2024 Bridgemarq® Real Estate Services Manager Limited. All rights reserved.

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