As the largest real estate company in Canada, we attribute our growth to attracting and retaining the highest calibre of real estate leaders.
The support your brokerage needs to grow 
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As a Royal LePage® franchisee, you’ll benefit from support that helps you maximize the profit of your business.

Our growth-oriented conversion programs include: 
Financial assistance for conversion and recruiting.

New office launch support with our dedicated onboarding team.

Tailored financial reviews and profitability coaching to optimize operations.

A robust agent satisfaction program to identify opportunities for improved recruiting and retention strategies.

Integration with Royal LePage front and back-end office, and Electronic Document Management (EDM) systems.

Customized broker and management training, tailored to your unique brokerage needs.

To help you further maximize the value and profit of your business, Royal LePage provides your brokerage with advisory-based support for mergers and acquisitions and succession planning, as well as sample confidentiality and purchase agreement templates. 

Our team not only sources opportunities for you, but when you decide to convert, sell, or acquire another business, we qualify the opportunity both financially and culturally. We then ensure your new agents get the best introduction to the Royal LePage brand, tools and services.
Need support for an upcoming merger or acquisition?
When you choose to partner with Royal LePage, you can be confident your agents will be taken care of. To ensure a smooth transition for your brokerage, we offer a five-week onboarding training plan that helps agents assimilate to Royal LePage and learn how to navigate both rlpSPHERE™ and rlpNetwork™ to maximize overall brokerage success. 

We also provide ongoing training and coaching programs that touch on every aspect of an agent’s business and are often led by top industry experts: 
Semi-annual in-person REALTOR® Marketing Workshops.

Live and recorded webinars and online video tutorials, focused on valuable sales, technology, marketing skills and professional development.

Access to industry-leading coaches and mentorship programs. 

Exclusive Royal LePage-negotiated discounts for industry designations. 
Retain and reward your top agents 
Your team of high-performing agents will feel right at home with Royal LePage. We love celebrating the hard work of our REALTORS®, and every year recognize our top real estate professionals across Canada for their outstanding sales performance. Our most distinguished awards include: 
Royal LePage® A.E. LePage REALTOR® of the Year™ Award, a prestigious award recognizing the best of the best, based on productivity, leadership and brand engagement.
Royal LePage® National Chairman’s Club™, recognizes the top 1 per cent of Royal LePage REALTORS®, on a national level for gross commission income (GCI) and units sold.
Royal LePage® Top 35 under 35™ Award, a national award that recognizes top-producing Royal LePage REALTORS®, aged 34 years old or younger.

Royal LePage® Rookie of the Year™ Award, awarded top-performing Royal LePage REALTORS® who are new to real estate.

Recognizing Success
Want to learn more? Now's the best time to connect with our Business Development team to get more information on how Royal LePage will help you grow your business and maximize your brokerage's profitability.
The Best Live Here®
Jim Morris
Director, Business Development
Western Canada, Royal LePage
Mark Frenette
Damon Conrad
Dominic St-Pierre
Director, Business Development
Ontario and Atlantic Canada, Royal LePage

To learn more about how Royal LePage® Commercial™ can benefit your business, please contact:
Vice President, General Manager, Quebec, Royal LePage
National Director,
Royal LePage Commercial

"Since joining Royal LePage in April 2019, there’s one question I get asked more than any other: Why Royal LePage? For me, the answer is simple: it's about the people. I am a firm believer in surrounding yourself with people who want to grow and improve every day, and I’ve never felt more connected with a brand than I feel with Royal LePage. From my initial phone meeting, right through to launch day, we felt welcomed. The Royal LePage mission quickly became our mission, the branding was exciting to adopt, and the technology and support was seamless to integrate. In the short time, since I joined the Royal LePage family, I’ve experienced more growth than ever, in my entire career. Constantly pushing the envelope when it comes to training for recruiting, sales and business management, Royal LePage has proven to be everything I was looking for and more. Broker-level training and owner-level support have exceeded my expectations. The crisis management has been invaluable. The national brand has been essential in opening doors for myself and my agents to grab a larger market share in a short period of time. Having an active President and CEO, who exemplifies the morals and leadership that we wish to convey, has been amazing. In the end, it always comes back to the people. The people who work at Royal LePage help make it the best real estate company in Canada, and have truly been an asset to my business. This is my why!
Stephan Villeneuve, Broker/Owner
Royal LePage® Realty Team, Brokerage
Sudbury, ON

This is not intended as a solicitation of any sales representatives or brokers that are currently under contract. All offices are independently owned and operated, except those marked as indicated at Royal LePage is a registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada and is used under licence by Bridgemarq Real Estate Services Inc. and Bridgemarq Real Estate Services Manager Limited. Any copying, reproduction, distribution or other use of these materials is prohibited. ©2024® Bridgemarq Real Estate Services Manager Limited. All rights reserved.

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