Work alongside an established team of industry-leading professionals who have set the standard in Canadian real estate for more than 110 years. To us, real estate is as much a passion as it is a business. This drives forward our mission of helping Canadians buy and sell their homes.
The trusted brand in Canadian real estate
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Royal LePage® is the go-to resource for influential media platforms and news outlets across the country. With over 5 billion media impressions*, we’ve earned a reputation as one of the most rational, insightful and trusted sources in the real estate industry, making Royal LePage the brand of choice for many of Canada’s top real estate brokerages.

Royal LePage President and CEO, Phil Soper has been recognized as a top Canadian real estate leader in the Swanepoel Power 200 for 11 consecutive years, which is the definitive international ranking of residential real estate leaders. Chief Operating Officer, Carolyn Cheng, has also been recognized on the prestigious list for five consecutive years. 

The Voice of Canadian Real Estate™
At Royal LePage, we care deeply about the communities where we live and work. We also know that a house is only a home if the people who live there feel safe. That’s what inspired us to spearhead our own charitable foundation to help women and children experiencing domestic violence. The Royal LePage® Shelter Foundation™ is Canada’s largest public foundation dedicated exclusively to funding women’s shelters and domestic violence prevention programs.

Thanks to the generosity of Royal LePage brokers, agents and staff across the country the Shelter Foundation has raised more than $41 million since 1998. Every dollar raised goes directly to helping more than 50,000 women and children who are served each year by the shelters and support programs we fund.

Year round, Royal LePage professionals make a difference by donating a portion of their commissions, organizing and attending fundraising events, providing in-kind goods, and participating in ‘Challenge for Shelter’ treks. Royal LePage trekkers are challenged to raise a minimum of $5,000, hike long distances across difficult terrain, and give up the creature comforts of home and technology. The treks, which have now been held in Machu Picchu, Iceland, the Sahara Desert, and the Himalyan mountains are an opportunity for Royal LePagers to bond over a worthy cause and build lifelong relationships with like minded colleagues. In November 2023, a group of adventurous Royal LePage Shelter Foundation supporters from across Canada travelled to Ecuador to trek again, learn more or make a donation at

Putting an end to family violence 
We are proud of the recognition we’ve received for our efforts:
2018 Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Philanthropy Award for Outstanding Corporation (Greater Toronto Chapter), for setting new benchmarks of excellence in the acts of giving and volunteering.

2016 Canada’s Volunteer Award in the category of Business Leader, for its outstanding support of local communities.

2015 Canadian Franchise Association’s Outstanding Corporate Citizen Award, for demonstrating sustained support for local communities and for philanthropic innovation on a national scale.  
We take pride in being the brand of choice for real estate leaders across the country who are committed to service excellence, integrity and innovation. You’ll see exactly what we mean at the annual Royal LePage National Leadership Conference, where we recognize and celebrate the excellence of our brokerage owners and managers across the country.

You could be the next recipient of:

Royal LePage® A.E. LePage Brokerage of the Year™ Award, a prestigious award recognizing the top broker who demonstrates leadership both at the brokerage level and through community involvement and contribution. 
Royal LePage® Recruiter of the Year™ Award, recognizes the broker/owner or recruiter with the largest net agent gain from beginning to end of the award year. 

Royal LePage® Momentum™ Award, recognizes the brokerage that achieves the greatest momentum and growth through mergers and acquisitions, and recruiting. 

Recognizing your contribution and performance 
Royal LePage® Best in Tech™ Award, recognizes the brokerage that achieves increased brokerage growth and profitability through the digitization of a brokerage’s ecosystem, creation of ancillary revenue through an online lead generation practice as well as recruiting and retention with best-in-class technology.
Surround yourself with success 
Trusted Industry Leadership
At every level and across the country, our brokers are deeply involved in organized real estate, often sitting in key positions for national and regional associations and boards. Each one of them is driving forward strategic improvements in how real estate is conducted across the country. 
Later in the year, our brokers and managers gather at the annual National Leadership Conference, held at a special destination annually, to hear inspirational and insightful speakers, receive and discuss their benchmarking results and share best practices and collaborate during the day. Social evening events are planned every evening, where  informal learning abounds. 
The Royal LePage Services Advisory Council is a forum for key provincial broker representatives to provide us with feedback on new and existing national programs as well as share insights with us on the best practices they are implementing in the field. It was also created to foster long-lasting relationships with peer Council members. The Council meets three times a year and was launched in 2006.  

Services Advisory Council 
National Leadership Conference 
At the beginning of the year, our brokers and managers gather together to hear about the latest market insights, learn about our newest services offerings, find out how to stay ahead of the competition and hear from their peers, who share their best practices for growing and managing their businesses profitably. 
Regional Leadership Meetings
Want to learn more? Now's the best time to connect with our Business Development team to get more information on how Royal LePage will help you grow your business and maximize your brokerage's profitability.
The Best Live Here®
Director, Business Development
Western Canada, Royal LePage
Jim Morris
Director, Business Development
Ontario and Atlantic Canada, Royal LePage
Mark Frenette
Vice President, General Manager
Quebec, Royal LePage
Dominic St-Pierre
To learn more about how Royal LePage® Commercial™ can benefit your business, please contact:
National Director,
Royal LePage Commercial
Damon Conrad
"Laura and I bought our franchise with Royal LePage for several important reasons. We felt that the corporate Royal LePage culture, sales conferences, Facebook groups, and leadership team were essential to our continued success. We receive a lot of referral business through these channels. Previously, as part of a larger brokerage, we were finding that we weren’t getting the marketing flexibility we wanted nor the ability to ‘think outside the box.’ Walking into our own environment every morning, knowing that we decide everything from furniture placement to meeting schedules, has brought our minds fully into the business again. It was a great decision. As we continue building our team, we want to focus on providing memorable, first-class service to our clients and establishing our brand in the community, and Royal LePage empowers us to do so!"
Don and Laura McKay, Broker/Owners
Royal LePage® Prestige Realty
Sherwood Park, AB
*Print and online media impressions January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.

This is not intended as a solicitation of any sales representatives or brokers that are currently under contract. All offices are independently owned and operated, except those marked as indicated at Royal LePage is a registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada and is used under licence by Bridgemarq Real Estate Services Inc. and Bridgemarq Real Estate Services Manager Limited. Any copying, reproduction, distribution or other use of these materials is prohibited. ©2024 Bridgemarq® Real Estate Services Manager Limited. All rights reserved.

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