Prospecting and referrals are vital to your growth as a business. That’s why Royal LePage® is always enhancing the way we generate leads for your brokerage. 

Powerful lead generation tools that keep you ahead
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Our cutting-edge technology platform, rlpSPHERE™, is recognized as the most comprehensive tool in the industry. It’s a digital solution first, with traditional marketing capabilities. Leads are generated by rlpSPHERE through:
Free lead-generating websites that include: 
Optional paid Facebook advertising, including AI advertising and retargeting campaigns. 

Smart Numbers and the Open House app. 

Optional Google Pay-Per-Click ads and Display retargeting ads. 
Once leads are generated, rlpSPHERE automatically begins nurturing the leads, giving you and your agents more time to do what you do best: running a profitable real estate business.
Configurability at brokerage and location levels.

Unlimited custom landing pages to generate organic leads. 

Search capabilities for neighbourhoods, amenities and school zones.

Map-based listing searches with draw functionalities.

Lead capture forms.

A cascade down to agent websites.
Enriched lead data that includes consumer behavioural information. 
A full sales pipeline is the key to any thriving business. Our goal is to help you grow lead opportunities, so you can achieve more.

Royal LePage Smart Leads is the most comprehensive and best-performing online lead solution in the industry. Our program delivers incremental revenue opportunities for your brokerage, bolsters retention, and is a program that is attractive to top-producing talent. Additional benefits of Smart Leads include:
Flexible lead routing options that deliver the right leads to the right agents. 

Automated nurturing campaigns that incubate prospects and task agents to follow up. 

Business analytics and performance tracking to manage and coach the right behaviours.

Dedicated account management, training, and support that helps optimize returns.
Royal LePage® Smart Leads™ will grow your business 
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<html> <head> <style> p2 { font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.4; color: #ffffff; vertical-align: baseline; } sup { vertical-align: super; font-size: x-small; line-height: 0; } strong { vertical-align: baseline; } a.two:link { color: #ea002a; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; } a.two:visited { color: #ea002a; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; } a.two:hover { color: #ffffff; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; } a.two:active { color: #ea002a; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; } </style> </head> <body> <p2>A national online lead close rate average that performs <strong>four times better</strong> than the industry average<sup>1</sup>.</p2> <br><br> <p2><strong>Over 230,000</strong> online consumer leads are delivered to brokerages annually<sup>2</sup>.</p2> </body> </html>
Angie Peters, Broker
Royal LePage® The Realty Group 
“Royal LePage Smart Leads allowed my business to generate enough new revenue to hire an additional employee to support the team with marketing and adoption of rlpSPHERE. This alone has helped us achieve a 7.8% online lead close rate and generate more sales from online leads than we had ever anticipated.” 
The Best Live Here®
Want to learn more? Now's the best time to connect with our Business Development team to get more information on how Royal LePage will help you grow your business and maximize your brokerage's profitability.

Director, Business Development
Western Canada, Royal LePage
Jim Morris
Director, Business Development
Ontario and Atlantic Canada, Royal LePage
Mark Frenette
Vice President, General Manager
Quebec, Royal LePage
Dominic St-Pierre
National Director,
Royal LePage Commercial
Damon Conrad
To learn more about how Royal LePage® Commercial™ can benefit your business, please contact:
1 Royal LePage Smart Leads, 2023 Smart Leads quarterly Broker Dashboard average.
2 Google Analytics, Royal LePage Smart Leads Systems (January 2023 - December 2023).

This is not intended as a solicitation of any sales representatives or brokers that are currently under contract. All offices are independently owned and operated, except those marked as indicated at Royal LePage is a registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada and is used under licence by Bridgemarq Real Estate Services Inc. and Bridgemarq Real Estate Services Manager Limited. Any copying, reproduction, distribution or other use of these materials is prohibited. ©2024 Bridgemarq® Real Estate Services Manager Limited. All rights reserved.

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